Growing the Economy will be our priority” Brett

The Chairman of the Economy Committee Phillip Brett MLA has said the party will be ensuring the implementation of their plan to grow the economy is prioritised.

By Phillip Brett MLA

Belfast North

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Mr Brett was speaking in advance of his visit to Londonderry on Friday, when he will meet business leaders and investors.

The North Belfast MLA said.

“We all want to see a stronger economy but only the DUP has made it a top priority since the Executive was reformed in 2007.

Our plan to grow the economy will build on our strong record by making Northern Ireland a place attractive and ready for investors.

We will be ensuring the implementation of our plan to grow the economy is prioritised by the Assembly and Executive.

Under DUP leadership the Northern Ireland economy has been transformed and I am determined to build on that success.

The North West has huge potential and as a result of our work to secure City Deal status, progress continues to be made.

We are determined to build an innovative, inclusive and healthy economy, which delivers opportunity for everyone in every community across Northern Ireland and that will be the focus of my visit.”

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