Government must act to mitigate higher fuel and transport costs: Paisley

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has said the Government must act to mitigate higher fuel and transport costs in Northern Ireland.

He made the call during Business Questions in the House of Commons today. Speaking afterwards the DUP MP said,

"The cost of living crisis is impacting on households in every part of the United Kindgom. Families are seeing their household bills ballooning, but particularly the cost of transport and home heating.

These issues are exacerbated in Northern Ireland however. Even before the most recent energy price rises the cost of transporting goods to Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK had increased by 27%. We are also a more rural region of the UK and depend solely on road haulage for the movement of goods.

It is vital that the government takes action immediately to cut fuel costs immediately across the UK. The impact of this crisis on our food security must also be assessed and acted upon. Whether it is incentives to increase production or action to secure an adequate and affordable supply of fertilizer, the government must not sit idly by whilst the ripples of this crisis affect more and more areas of our lives."

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