Funding announcement will help keep Northern Ireland's schools world class

DUP MLA Diane Dodds has said the major announcement of £794million investment will help keep Northern Ireland's schools world class.

By Diane Dodds MLA

Upper Bann

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The Education Minister Michelle McIlveen announced that 28 school projects will receive funding under the Major Capital Works programme. The funding will benefit 25,000 pupils across Northern Ireland.

Mrs Dodds is a member of the Assembly's Education Committee and she said, "This is a hugely significant announcement that will benefit pupils right across Northern Ireland. It represents both the Education Minister's commitment and the DUP's commitment to keeping our schools world-class.

A majority of MLAs recently supported legislation that will disadvantage the vast majority of schools when it comes to their future funding. They should reflect on that when they are welcoming investment into schools today.

Whilst any school is much more than just the buildings which house it, the quality of facilities is still very important. Within my own constituency I know just how important the improvements will be at Portadown College and Killicomaine Junior High School. That will be the case for each of the 28 schools from all sectors of our education system that received good news today.

Whilst some other parties want to destabilise Northern Ireland and care about nothing other than a border poll, the DUP will continue to focus on what matters for people, including delivering for our schools."

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