Erskine welcomes US Special Envoy to Fermanagh

Fermanagh & South Tyrone MLA Deborah Erskine has welcomed US Special Envoy Joe Kennedy III to Enniskillen today. Following meetings the DUP MLA had in Washington, Mrs Erskine initiated contact between Fermanagh & Omagh Council and Mr Kenndy’s office to facilitate the meeting.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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Speaking after the visit Mrs Erskine said, “Since taking up post, Joe Kennedy has demonstrated an enthusiasm and dedication to his role as Special Envoy. As a representative for Fermanagh & South Tyrone I am mindful of the need to ensure that economic growth benefits all parts of Northern Ireland, and particularly those rural areas in the west. Particularly at today’s meeting I raised the need for investment in our infrastructure projects to drive our economy forward but also the resilience of our local entrepreneurs, despite the challenges they face.

I was in Washington earlier this year and met with Joe Kennedy. I was pleased at how receptive he and his office, were to visiting the west of Northern Ireland and exploring the opportunities that lie there. Following this I was able to work with Fermanagh & Omagh Council to intiate the contact for this visit.

I am determined to help unlock the full potential that exists right across Fermanagh & South Tyrone and ensure that no part of Northern Ireland is left behind when it comes to investment and economic growth.”

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