Erskine – “SF show zero respect for NI or those who believe in it”

DUP MLA for Fermanagh & South Tyrone Deborah Erskine has said Sinn Fein’s approach to marking the centenary of Northern Ireland is a continuation of Gerry Adams’ “Break the Bs” 2014 speech in Enniskillen.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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Mrs Erskine said,

“Gerry Adams exposed the truth about SF’s reason for existing. He used graphic language but when you consider SF’s behaviour this week, Michelle O’Neill and Mary Lou are following Gerry’s example of zero respect for unionists.

Most people in Fermanagh & South Tyrone just want to live at peace with their neighbours, hold down a decent job and have good prospects for their children but in Sinn Fein HQ they seem to rise every morning and think of ways to offend people who believe in Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein preaches respect and equality but in reality they use their time in Stormont and Councils to perpetuate division. When it came to:

1. marking the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh, SF said no.

2. flying the Union flag on a Council building a few days of the year, SF said no.

3. selling poppies in Council premises, SF said no.

4. planting a centenary rose bush in Stormont, SF said no.

5. placing a stone in Parliament Buildings to mark the centenary, SF said no.

6. attending a cross community service to mark centenary, SF said, no.

7. lighting up Belfast City Hall to mark the centenary, SF said no.

8. creating a victims pension, SF said no.

The creation of Northern Ireland is a fact. It happened. Some celebrate its birthday; some mourn its birth and others will do neither but recognise its existence. But for SF, they want to deny anyone the opportunity to even think about Northern Ireland’s creation.

As one of the youngest MLAs in Stormont, I am aghast at the backward, petty, and sectarian approach of Sinn Fein. The centenary should not have been controversial, yet Sinn Fein sought to pollute every discussion and block even the most basic acknowledgement.”

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