DUP will continue to stand with victims to secure truth and justice

DUP Human Rights and Legacy Spokesperson Emma Little-Pengelly has said the passage of the Government’s Legacy Bill represents a dark day for innocent victims of the Troubles.

By Emma Little-Pengelly MLA

Lagan Valley

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Responding to Wednesday’s vote in the House of Commons, the Lagan Valley MLA said,

‘‘The Government’s decision to railroad through these proposals in the face of unanimous opposition in Northern Ireland was abhorrent.

Granting immunity to those responsible for some of the most horrific violence and human rights abuses is not only an affront to justice but the latest in a series of bitter blows handed down to innocent victims of terrorism and their families. This Bill plays into the hands of those who want to airbrush the past, by drawing a moral equivalence between terrorists and dedicated public servants in the police and security forces.

We will continue to stand with victims and will never alter our position that access to justice must always be open. The voice of those who opposed this legislation will not disappear but will continue to be heard. We will seek any opportunity to ensure that truth and justice can be secured.”

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