Avenues to justice must never be closed

DUP Leader Gavin Robinson and Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has said news that a 61 year old man is to be charged with the murder of three police officers in Lurgan in 1982 highlights why avenues to justice must never be closed.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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The Upper Bann MP said, “This case shows that despite the passage of more than 40 years, it is possible to see someone charged with the terrorist murder of three police officers. Whilst victims are realistic about the difficulties of securing justice after such a period of time, it highlights why the opportunity for justice should never be closed.

Whilst any conviction in this case would only see a minimal sentence imposed, that would mean a perpetrator has been properly and publicly identified. The passage of time has done little to diminish the pain felt by many families who have suffered and perpetrators should never be able to feel they have escaped the possibility of justice being served.”

DUP Leader Gavin Robinson added. “Everyone should welcome the pursuit of justice and the efforts of those who have seen that progressed in this case. However, there are challenges for the PPS, because whilst a decision in this case was taken in advance of the of the justice eroding Legacy Act, too few others were.

With the Labour government seeking to amend the Act, the provisions that brought prosecutions to an end will need to be re-examined. In cases where prosecutions are possible but the PPS simply failed to make a decision in advance of the deadline imposed by the Legacy Act, they should be revisited.

This case importantly highlights that justice can be secured, but it is also a timely painful reminder of how many murders throughout the troubles remain unsolved.”

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