DUP will continue to champion case of WASPI women – Shannon

Democratic Unionist Party Westminster Candidate, Jim Shannon, has said that a strong team of DUP MPs in Parliament will continue to champion the cause of WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) women, who still seek redress for unilateral and discriminatory changes to state pension age.

By Jim Shannon MP


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Jim Shannon said:

“As a Member of Parliament, together with my Party Leader Gavin Robinson, we have fought alongside WASPI women from Northern Ireland and right across the UK to right the wrongs imposed upon them by the wholly unjust changes to the state pension age.

Progress has been made, but we still have much more to do to secure full redress. I welcome the report of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman which found the Department for Work and Pensions was clearly guilty of maladministration over its treatment of WASPI women. This finding was key to making the Government accountable for the impact of their actions.

We now need the next Government to step up with action. Upon taking office, DUP MPs will be working to ensure compensation is forthcoming, and that any such compensation is at the level that fully reflects the terrible impact on WASPI women.

It is deeply disappointing that both Labour and the Conservatives have thus far failed to commit to appropriate redress for these women in this election campaign. DUP MPs will not turn their back on those affected. We will work tirelessly to keep this important issue to the fore in the next Parliament.”

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