DUP – we stand with Israel

The DUP’s North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has called on Sinn Fein to condemn the terrorist attack against innocent people in Israel.

Mr Paisley said,

“What we have witnessed in Israel is terrorism plain and simple. Innocent men, women and children have been murdered, injured, and kidnapped by Hamas. We condemn this and stand in solidarity with the people of Israel.

There has been a long association between Hamas and Sinn Fein. With such international terrorism, the Sinn Fein leadership must stand up and outrightly condemn the actions of Hamas.

I have written to the Israeli ambassador expressing our support and our Foreign Secretary in similar terms. The UK has always been a strong supporter of Israel and at this time of trial for the Israeli people we must redouble that support on the international stage.

I have also urged our Foreign Secretary to lead a campaign to ensure the Muslim Brotherhood, in which Hamas has roots, is proscribed as a terrorist organisation.

Finally, if this situation escalates, then the Speaker of the House of Commons should consider the recall of Parliament.”

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