Let's Make NI Work

DUP Leader Rt Hon Gavin Robinson MP said,

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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“It has been clear for some time that this Government is fast running out of steam.

The General Election will provide the people of Northern Ireland with a clear choice as to who they think is best placed to represent them and deliver the best outcomes for them.

While political progress and new mechanisms were secured in negotiations with the Conservative Government to allow the Assembly and Executive to be re-established the next Government will have much more to do to ensure Northern Ireland benefits as an integral part of the United Kingdom rather than remaining subject to European laws in some areas of our daily lives.

The Democratic Unionist Party will fight this election having a track record of speaking up for Northern Ireland in Parliament. We will use the forthcoming campaign to make the case that now more than ever is the time to strengthen the Unionist position – not divide and weaken it.

Over the next number of weeks, we will campaign and seek votes to strengthen the Pro-Union position. At this election unionists know that it is the Democratic Unionist party that has the strength and depth to be able to make the Pro-Union case and to unashamedly make the case for Northern Ireland in Parliament.”

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