DUP representatives mark D-Day anniversary in Londonderry

DUP representatives laid a wreath at the war memorial in Londonderry this morning marking the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Party Leader Gavin Robinson was joined by party colleagues including Gregory Campbell, Gary Middleton, Keith Buchanan and Tom Buchanan.

Commenting afterwards Gavin Robinson said, “It is right that we pause today and mark the supreme sacrifice that so many made on our behalf. We enjoy the benefits of freedom and democracy today because of their efforts.

It is fitting too that we gathered in the Diamond in Londonderry, a city of strategic importance during World War II and which played such an important role. Indeed, General Montgomery who commanded all Allied troops in France during the Normandy landings was a freeman of the city, had many family links to this area and it was a place he said felt most like home.

Alongside many others from across the world today we reflect on how much we owe those from 80 years ago and make the simple pledge that “we will remember them”.

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