Groups belonging to Innocent Victims United gathered at Stormont this morning at 11am.
Commenting afterwards DUP Justice Spokesperson Mervyn Storey said, "Dealing with the past in Northern Ireland is a difficult and sensitive issue, but any process must be victim-centred and victim-led. Victims understand the difficulties in securing justice, particularly after decades may have passed since the murder of a loved one. However, over 17,000 responses to the Government’s consultation made it clear that access to justice must remain open.
That was the clear message again today directly from victims and it should be listened to by the Government."

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart added "It was important to stand today with those who are most directly impacted by these proposals. For many victims who have suffered so grievously, the prospect of justice, however slim that may be, is vital.
Whilst causing victims further pain, these proposals also serve to equate those who stepped forward to protect our society with those who deliberately sought to cause murder and mayhem. These proposals are completely unacceptable and have been rejected entirely by all those making their voices heard today."