DUP representatives host US Consul General in Londonderry

Foyle MLA Gary Middleton and East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell hosted the US Consul General for Northern Ireland James Applegate in Londonderry.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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Speaking after the visit the two DUP politicians said, “Northern Ireland has strong historical and cultural links with the United States, and we value the ties binding our two nations.

This was a useful opportunity to speak with the Consul General and also to reiterate that political progress in Northern Ireland must be based on cross-community consensus. The political institutions need to have the support of both unionists and nationalists if we are to have stable and lasting devolution. Key to that is restoring Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom and the internal market.

There has been support from the United States for Northern Ireland, and we hope they will recognise the need for a solution that provides the strong foundations needed to see the Assembly and Executive restored. Whilst progress has been made, the ball remains in the UK Government’s court to ensure they meet the commitments which they made. We also told Mr Applegate that economic development from the US was vital to help create stability here. Creating employment in areas like the north west in locations that are accessible by all communities is a positive step and should be welcomed by all.”

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