'This is a tremendous honour for Bangor to be recognised as a City as part of Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Bangor has a very rich heritage, culture and history and has great potential for future regeneration, growth and prosperity.
This is exciting news particularly as it comes as part of Her Majesty's historic Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Bangor is a wonderful place to live, visit and do business, with its marina, coastal walks, vibrant independent businesses and excellent Schools.
Bangor also has a proud royal connection down through the years as it has hosted many Royal visits, particularly with its strong maritime tradition.
This also presents a real opportunity to really develop the potential of Bangor through the delivery of the long awaited redevelopment of Queen's Parade alongside the Bangor Waterfront Scheme and further regeneration of its core retail area. Bangor has a great future to look forward too.'D