Dropping ‘Magee’ an abandonment of history: Middleton

Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has criticised Ulster University’s decision to drop usage of the ‘Magee’ name when referring to its Londonderry campus.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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The DUP MLA said, “The decision by UIster University to drop the use of the name Magee, is an abandonment of nearly 180 years of history. It appears to have been taken with no consultation with either staff, students or the wider community.

The process by which this decision was taken sends out a worrying signal that the University appears to believe it can simply operate without regard to anyone else. Their claim there has been no name change seems to be a further attempt to treat people like fools when they have instructed staff not to use that title.

Corporate branding is obviously important to any organisation, but it shouldn’t have to require the airbrushing of history.”

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