Does John Finucane believe there was "no alternative" to South Armagh terorrism?

North Belfast MLA Phillip Brett has called on Sinn Fein MP John Finucane to explain whether he believes those he will be commemorating in South Armagh had “no alternative” than to engage in terrorism.

By Phillip Brett MLA

Belfast North

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Commenting the DUP MLA said, “This event has taken place in front of the South Armagh IRA ‘roll of honour’ previously. That includes individuals like Francis Jordan who planted a bomb outside a busy pub. Paedar McElvenna stood accused of attempting to murder a man as he left a church on his wedding day and Gerald Fearon was convicted of the murder of Robert Nairac. Capt Nairac suffered several hours of torture before being shot dead.

Does John Finucane feel that these are actions worthy of being commemorated and if so then he should explain exactly why they are worthy of such celebrations. Does he also believe that there was “no alternative” to these actions?

Sinn Fein have talked in the past about remembering their dead with “dignity and respect” This is not about remembering anyone with dignity or respect, but a celebration of those who engaged in terrorism. Rather than warning future generations about what happened in our past, Sinn Fein are laying on a funfair to encourage children to celebrate them.”

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