DfI & Translink must answer questions about Grand Central

DUP Fermanagh & South Tyrone MLA Deborah Erskine, who also chairs the Infrastructure Committee, has said the DfI Minister and the Chief Executive of Translink need to front up and answer questions as to why no equality impact assessment was completed in advance of allocating £145,000 to introduce bilingual signage at Grand Central station.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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Mrs Erskine said,

“Equality impact assessments exist for good reason. It allows communities to input into policy change which affects them. Yet on page 22 of the screening report it states:

“the Department has made the decision that a full EQIA is not required.”

The introduction of bilingual signs is a divisive issue, solely down to SF who have politicised the Irish language. With funding an issue within a cash strapped department it is little wonder that people rightly believe this policy warrants further investigation as it is costly and highly political.

Yet there has clearly been a decision to ram this policy through regardless of the views of non-Irish speakers who make up almost 90% of the population. Let’s remember the last census found that just 12% of the population has some ability to speak Irish.

The Grand Central Station announcement has been rushed out by a Sinn Fein Minister under pressure from Irish language activists, yet the almost 90% who don’t speak Irish will wonder why the Minister can find £145k to satisfy one section of a minority but can’t find money to fill potholes in our roads which affects every person in Northern Ireland.

The screening report also states that:

Discussions with the Department has [sic] resulted in Translink providing Irish signage at Belfast Grand Central Station and adding Irish onto all of Translink’s Ticketing Vending Machines (TVMs).”

I will be seeking full detail of these discussions and all associated minutes.

I have spoken to my DUP colleagues on the Executive and they have also been seeking answers given the undoubtedly controversial nature of the announcement made by the Minister for Infrastructure.”

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