Conference 2024 - Joanne Bunting MLA

Introducing the Party Leader, East Belfast MLA Joanne Bunting said,

By Joanne Bunting MLA

Belfast East

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Thank you, Mr Chairman. Hello Conference! What a day it’s been! And the best is yet to come - shortly Gavin will give his first conference speech as leader. So with our new leader taking the reins, I thought I would reflect on who the DUP actually is rather than the caricatures we are portrayed to be.

As the DUP family, we are committed to our Party, our cause and eachother. We are patriots; proud of our Union and our heritage. We love God and our Country.

As your DUP Team in Westminster, at Stormont and in Councils, we are acutely conscious that we serve at the pleasure of the people. We consider that to be a privilege, so we strive every day to merit that trust and live up to the faith voters have placed in us. You may not always agree with us in everything, but we will work for you and help you in our constituencies. We are embedded in our communities, we know the issues and we work to deliver for the people we serve. Our roots and our own lives are there so we know, we relate and we get it.

We fight for working families, for those on waiting lists, for those in poverty or just about making ends meet with no support. For those who need a home, a job, a school place for their child.

We plan and govern for the things that matter to you – quality healthcare, good schools, a decent life, a safe place to raise your children and one that affords them opportunity.

We stand up for civil and religious liberties, personal freedoms, for law and order. For rights, fairness, careful stewardship and common sense. We know what a woman is and have no truck with wokery. We are people of conviction and principle who know trust must be earned.

They make out like we’re humourless, but we love a bit of crack. They call us dinosaurs, but being for families and believing that life is sacred, short and to be cherished, makes us genuine.

Unlike some, we do not demand for ourselves things we will not afford to others. Unionism is not second-class and will not be treated as such. We treat those from whom we differ with respect, but they should know this, we will never apologise for our Unionism, our values nor for who and what we are, and we will always stand up and speak up for Northern Ireland and its people.

All this, Gavin inherits and I know he will handle our trust and our country with care and diligence. He is a man with wide knowledge and considerable experience. A man with a vision for Northern Ireland and for the future of this Party. He is committed to our Union and all for which it stands; bringing vigour, freshness, wisdom and warmth as he reaches out to the many.

Ladies and Gentlemen fresh off another resounding victory in loyal East Belfast, as our Scottish kin would say, Give it Laldy, for the Leader of Unionism,

Mr Gavin Robinson MP.

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