Clarity needed on Growth Deal – Erskine

DUP MLA Deborah Erskine has said uncertainty over the Government’s commitment to the Mid South West Growth Deal has posed serious questions over the proposed Enniskillen Bypass, and that Government must act swiftly and make clear their commitment to the City Deal agreements.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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Speaking from Stormont, Deborah Erskine said:

“The Government has acted in bad faith with their announcement late on Friday evening that they were pausing work on the City Deal for the Mid South West region.

I am deeply concerned about the uncertainty surrounding the Enniskillen Bypass, a project discussed for 47 years and finally progressing with funding from the Mid South West Growth Deal. This scheme would reduce traffic congestion in Enniskillen by 50%, improve road safety, and drive economic growth. It is essential for area.

County Fermanagh, the UK’s most westerly county, lacks dual carriageway or railway infrastructure. The Bypass symbolised the Government’s commitment to the entire UK and would boost local business and tourism. My constituents are deeply disappointed that this project is now in jeopardy, especially as Fermanagh was also excluded from the All-Island Strategic Rail Review.

Other key projects in the Growth Deal would have driven business expansion, supported regional colleges, and bolstered our agri-food sector. It is disheartening to see the Government fostering economic inequality across the UK.

I urge the Government to reconsider, and to pledge their commitment to this City Deal once more. I have invited officials to visit Fermanagh and South Tyrone to engage with local stakeholders, and to show discuss the merits of the work proposed, and the absolute need for this investment.”

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