City Deal signing an exciting moment for North West – Middleton

Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has said the signing of the Londonderry and Strabane City Deal represents an exciting new chapter in the economic development of the area, and that the impact of the investment will be felt across the entire community.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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Local DUP MLA Gary Middleton said:

“The impact of the City Deal investment will be felt right across Londonderry and Strabane. Exciting projects, such as the Maritime Museum at Ebrington and the regeneration of the Walled City, are key aspects of this agreement and will now progress. These have long been ambitions of mine and others, and at last, we will see these plans come to fruition.

This is great news for the area, and it represents the culmination of years of work. It was the DUP, through our Confidence and Supply agreement, that secured the Government’s commitment to this proposal. Seven years of work behind the scenes have brought us to the point of signing the deal. It is an exciting day for Londonderry, Strabane, and the wider area.

I am grateful for the funding commitments from the Government and NI Executive that have enabled these plans for the region to move forward. I will continue to champion this area and the needs of all those who live here, to make it an even better place to live and work.”

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