City deal pause is a breach of trust – Brett

DUP Economy Spokesperson Phillip Brett MLA has said the decision by the Labour Government to ‘pause’ work on City and Growth deals in Northern Ireland must be reversed, stating that any reneging on agreements would be a significant breach of trust.

By Phillip Brett MLA

Belfast North

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Phillip Brett said:

“City Deals were a key component of our Confidence and Supply arrangement. In July, the new Secretary of State Hilary Benn explicitly indicated that Labour would honour City Deal agreements reached with the previous Government.

The question that must be answered now is why this position has changed?

City Deals are vitally important to the physical and economic regeneration in a number of towns and cities, and the positive impact of this investment would be felt across Northern Ireland.

It is now up to the Government to clarify the reasoning behind this decision, and what it will mean for existing commitments.

Labour’s pre-election rhetoric of being a party wanting to grow the economy across the UK is being exposed as another myth.

They must lift the pause, and re-instate City and Growth Deals without delay. Failure to do so would be a breach of trust and yet another example of the Labour Party failing the people of Northern Ireland.”

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