City Deal Pause a Test of Trust - Robinson

Speaking at a business event in Fermanagh and South Tyrone, DUP Leader Gavin Robinson reiterated his party’s commitment to delivering meaningful support for households and businesses across Northern Ireland. Mr Robinson also said the pause on some City Deals must be lifted to help address regional economic disparities.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Gavin Robinson said:

“The DUP is committed to delivering for communities right across Northern Ireland. That is why we secured record investment in rural broadband, boosting connectivity across the Province from East to West, North to South, helping to unlock the economic potential of rural areas. It is also why the DUP has delivered much-needed childcare cost support, helping working families across Northern Ireland meet this significant draw on family incomes. This support doesn’t just allow parents to make ends meet, but also to progress in their careers. We will always do what we can to make work pay.

We are also conscious that regional economic inequalities within Northern Ireland must be addressed. That is why we are so passionate about progressing the Mid and South West City and Growth Deal. It is why we secured a City Deal for this area in 2017. It is abhorrent that, having stated these deals would be honoured only in July, the Government has now paused this deal, along with that for Causeway Coast and Glens. The pause must be lifted, and work allowed to continue to deliver much-needed investment in infrastructure, tourism, agri-food, and manufacturing in this area.

Labour promised a new approach to Government, but already, the goodwill and hope offered by many appears deeply misplaced. They can take a step to prove otherwise by fully committing to all agreed City and Growth Deals.”

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