Chancellor urged to increase Tax-Free Childcare allowance

South Down MLA Diane Forsythe has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging him to increase the Tax-Free Childcare allowance in his upcoming Budget statement.

By Diane Forsythe MLA

South Down

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The DUP’s Spokesperson for Childcare said, “I have written again today, having previously written to Jeremy Hunt outlining the need for Treasury to adjust the allowance for Tax Free Childcare across the United Kingdom. This follows The Chancellor will present his Spring Budget in the House of Commons on 15th March and this presents a vital opportunity for him to take action that can benefit working families.

Childcare costs are one of the largest monthly outgoings for many families, but particularly in Northern Ireland where the average cost of childcare is above the UK average and on a par with central London.

Increasing the Tax-Free Childcare allowance would make a significant difference, not just to the household finances of families across the United Kingdom but will also encourage more people back into the workforce. This would be particularly beneficial in our public services such as schools and hospitals where it is simply not affordable for a parent to work.

Treasury has previously told us that this scheme consistently underspends, therefore there is headroom for expansion.”

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