Campbell – HMG wrong on legacy

The DUP’s Gregory Campbell has called on the Government to abandon their morally corrupt legacy proposals.

During Questions to the Northern Ireland Secretary, the East Londonderry MP said the proposals lacked support from innocent victims and the plans served only to inflict further suffering.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Speaking after NIQs Mr Campbell said,

“The Government’s proposals to legislate for an amnesty for those who terrorised Northern Ireland and its people, have been overwhelmingly rejected by innocent victims.

There is no support for the Government’s attempt to close down the prospect of justice.

With over 90% of murders in Northern Ireland carried out by terrorist organisations, many will see these proposals as a further reward for those who targeted innocent civilians.

Any proposals on dealing with the past must be victim-focused, not a tool to inflict further trauma and hurt upon those who have already suffered so much.

The role of the Irish State during the Troubles must be central to any proposals, given the widely reported acts of alleged collusion with the IRA.

On this issue the Government has got it wrong. A process which does not have the support of innocent victims is doomed to failure.

The Government must listen to the united voice of opposition from victims and abandon these morally corrupt proposals.”

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