Cameron welcomes publication of Neurology Inquiry

DUP MLA Pam Cameron has welcomed publication of the Independent Neurology Inquiry which has put forward 76 recommendations following the recall of more than 4,000 patients who had been diagnosed by Dr Michael Watt.

By Pam Cameron MLA

South Antrim

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Mrs Cameron said, “This is a very important day for all those patients who were affected by the recall, and particularly for those who were found to have received an insecure diagnosis. It is particularly concerning that opportunities to intervene were missed as far back as 2006/07.

It is absolutely vital that patients and the wider public can be reassured that such a situation cannot arise again, and that all the organisations take on board the recommendations from the inquiry.

It is the voice of patients that should be heard most loudly today. I know of harrowing stories, including people who were placed on unnecessary medications for many years. It is those individuals who suffered most grievously at the hands of Dr Watt who we must continue to stand by and support.

The Minister previously has said that work has been undertaken to find a way forward on a compensation scheme for patients. Whilst nothing will be able to properly compensate those victims who have suffered most, it is important this work progresses and there is compensation offered.”

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