Budget realities put focus on funding priorities – Wilson

DUP Finance Spokesperson Sammy Wilson has said the Prime Minister’s comments about a “painful” budget stand in stark contrast to what the Labour Leader told people across the United Kingdom during the election campaign.

By Sammy Wilson MP

East Antrim

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The East Antrim MP said, “The Prime Minister’s comments of the “painful choices” to be made in the next budget should come as no surprise to anyone – including himself.

At Prime Minister’s Questions prior to the election, I heard him referencing the “black hole” in the UK’s finances, yet during the election campaign he conveniently forgot about this and made promises there would be no tax rises, that action would be taken on energy bills and winter fuel payments would be protected.

People recognise the impact of decisions made by the previous government, but Labour’s ability to blame everything on the Tories is undermined entirely by their pre-election promises.

Whilst Labour have punished everyone else, the Government’s only focus has been on hammering out pay settlements with their Union paymasters. The impact will be felt on the budgets for devolved administrations, and it will necessitate a focus of minds on what funding is directed towards. Whether in London or Belfast, there surely can be no money available for political vanity projects.”

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