Brett launches Children’s Hospice petition

North Belfast MLA Phillip Brett has launched an Assembly petition calling upon the Department of Health to address the funding shortfall faced by the NI Children’s Hospice.

By Phillip Brett MLA

Belfast North

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A public petition can be submitted by an MLA to the Assembly’s Speaker for presentation to the relevant Minister.

Speaking on the launch of his petition, Mr Brett said:

“Due to rising costs, the NI Children’s Hospice is facing a financial shortfall that has already caused a reduction in bed capacity and further puts the long-term future of other service provision under severe pressure. The reduction in capacity will impact the availability of and access to respite care at Horizon House for families from right across Northern Ireland.

A relatively small level of funding is required by the Hospice to restore and protect this life-line service for families. The Department know exactly what it will take to do this and therefore now is the time for them to act. The incredible work of this hospice for Children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions should be prioritised.

I would urge the public to sign the petition which will in due course be presented to the NI Assembly. This is just the latest step in our campaign to support the NI Children’s Hospice. Use the power of your signature to call for action.”

You can sign the petition here.

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