DUP East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has called for the Police Ombudsman to provide answers about the case of David Caldwell which has languished for years with no outcome.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said,

"In 2002 David Caldwell was murdered by the 'Real IRA' when a bomb was left at the TA centre in Londonderry. No one has been apprehended for the crime thus far. In 2016 a book was published by someone who claimed to be a former soldier and who also said they were on duty at the scene on the day of the murder. This author claimed intelligence at the time meant the Police could have done more to prevent the murder happening. Obviously this news caused renewed consternation and anguish for the relatives of Mr. Caldwell fourteen years after the initial trauma, they contacted me. I raised the issue with the Police initially and then with the Policing Ombudsman. The matter of the book claim has been under investigation by the Ombudsman since July 2017.

This lengthy delay to establish whether there is any truth in the claim or not is totally unacceptable. I have raised the issue with the Ombudsman's' office on numerous occasions throughout the last four and a half years and the case remains 'under investigation'. I have now written to the SoS to ascertain firstly what can be done to conclude the investigation and secondly how there can be oversight of the Police Ombudsman's office given this type of delay."

Letter below sent to the Secretary of State

28 October 2021

Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

Stormont House



Dear Mr Lewis,

REF: Mr David Caldwell’s murder in 2002.

Unfortunately, my Question wasn't reached at Northern Ireland Question's (Wednesday 27th October) the matter I wanted to raise with you is as follows;

David Caldwell was murdered in a bomb attack by the Real IRA in Londonderry in 2002. Then in 2016 a book called ‘Charlie One’ was published by a writer claiming he had been a serving soldier on duty at the scene in 2002 but indicated in the book that information he had at that time meant Police could have done more to prevent the attack. Following these revelations it was perfectly understandable that family members became extremely agitated and suffered further traumatic reaction as they were unsure if any of these claims were authentic. They asked me to contact Police about the claims which I did but the family felt the Police response was totally inadequate and I then went to the Police Ombudsman to try and establish what Police had done to establish if there was any truth in the claims.

The essence of the current position is that almost four and a half years after this 'investigation' by the Police Ombudsman started (July 2017) with meetings, numerous letters, emails, and phone calls the investigation is still ongoing.

Given the inordinate delay in this case, I write to ask that urgent action is taken regarding the oversight of the Police Ombudsman’s Office to try and get some truth for the Caldwell family.

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