Bodies encouraged to apply for Kings Portrait

Public authorities throughout the United Kingdom will be able to apply for a free portrait of His Majesty The King, fully funded by the UK Government, as part of a scheme to celebrate the new reign.

By Pam Cameron MLA

South Antrim

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The scheme will be opened later this year following the Coronation and the release of the official portraits of His Majesty by the Royal Household. Those public authorities who are eligible will be offered the opportunity to request one free framed portrait once it is released. Further details will be provided in due course.

South Antrim MLA Pam Cameron said, “We would encourage any public body in Northern Ireland to apply for a portrait through this scheme. The Coronation will mark a hugely significant event in the life of our nation and it is entirely appropriate to display a portrait of the King.

The Equality Commission has indicated previously that a portrait of the Monarch does not represent an emblem or symbol that would be considered “sensitive” and are rarely ever raised as a concern by anyone.

The King is someone who has reached out and gained respect across communities in all parts of the UK. We saw just last year how people came together to pay respects to the late Queen and that was a demonstration of powerful and positive role played by the Monarchy.”

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