Attack on Walkers Plinth reflective of cultural intolerance – Middleton

Commenting on the latest paint attack on Walkers Plinth in Londonderry, DUP MLA for Foyle, Gary Middleton, said:

By Gary Middleton MLA


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“This is the work of mindless, sectarian thugs, who offer nothing to the wider community, only division.

Significant work goes into education and improved understanding of our history, culture and identity in Londonderry. The Siege Museum welcomes thousands of people each year who want to learn about the Siege, and the role of Rev George Walker in that period of our history. Whilst this attack is reflective of the hatred and intolerance of some towards our culture and identity, I know it will not deter the good work of the Siege Museum in promoting better community relations through their outreach programmes.

We must root out those within the community intent on inflaming tensions. I would ask for anyone with information in relation to this hate crime to bring that information to the PSNI. I would also encourage all political representatives to reiterate this call for information, and express condemnation, providing leadership to help rid ourselves of such sectarianism in our society.”

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