All parts of Northern Ireland deserve a health service that delivers Erskine

Deborah Erskine MLA has continued her campaign to protect rural GPs and patients, by ensuring all parts of Northern Ireland have a health service that delivers for them.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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The Fermanagh and South Tyrone MLA has requested a meeting with the Minister for Health to ask why vital funding to support patients and staff has not made it to all parts of Northern Ireland.

Speaking after Questions to the Health Minister she said.

“GPs want to provide the very best service to their patients and the public want the reassurance that they will be able to see their doctor when necessary.

The failure of funding from the Department of Health to make it to all parts of Northern Ireland, has undermined this objective, which is a matter of concern for both patients and staff.

We have already witnessed the effect of this failing, with pressures being increased in our Emergency Departments and other areas of the health service.

There are solutions to these problems. The effective use of Multi-Disciplinary Teams which means the placement of physios, mental health teams and more nurses into GP practices.

It is a matter of deep concern in communities where the pressures on GP services are greatest, that these solutions have not been fully utilised.

I trust the Health Minister will accept my request to meet, alongside GPs from my constituency, so that we can provide the solutions to these problems, in order to ensure that all parts of Northern Ireland have a health service that delivers.”

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