Action needed to address rural mobile coverage - Erskine

Fermanagh and South Tyrone DUP MLA Deborah Erskine has secured Assembly support for a motion calling for the Infrastructure Minister, John O’Dowd, to take steps to support the roll out of mobile network coverage across Northern Ireland, and work to improve the planning process which is currently slowing down applications.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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Deborah Erskine said:

“In various parts of Northern Ireland, we are seeing the mobile network coverage worsen, at a time when we should be striving to deliver improvements to coverage particularly addressing lack of coverage in rural areas.

Development of mobile infrastructure is key for ensuring our communities are more connected and that technology can play a role in boosting our business and civic life. Unfortunately, I am aware that planning applications are stuck in the system, and it means that the roll-out of the Shared Rural Network is stunted.

I am aware that in Council areas across Northern Ireland by July 2024 seven cases of mobile infrastructure planning applications were pulled out of the planning system by investors. This means seven areas in Northern Ireland which have been held back from getting the infrastructure and connectivity able to meet the demands of the 21st century.

This simply is not good enough, and the system is failing rural dwellers and rural businesses. I am pleased that the Assembly has supported my motion, urging the Minister to act to unblock the planning system, and support network roll out. It is not incumbent on the Minister to act, and I will be keeping a watchful eye on the steps he takes on this issue.”

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