Young drivers being driven off the road by soaring insurance costs - Lockhart

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has called on the Government to instigate an investigation of soaring car insurance prices, particularly for young drivers, given recent hikes in premiums.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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The DUP representative said:

“Turning seventeen is a huge landmark in the lives of so many young people, because it allows them to get behind the wheel, with a view to getting those ‘R’ plates embracing the freedom that offers. In a place like Northern Ireland, with so many people living in rural locations with limited public transport options, that ability to drive and make your own way from A to B is vital.

However, the trend in car insurance prices for young people is proving hugely problematic, with an extra £1000 added to insurance premiums for those aged 17-20 in the last year alone. Many young drivers are now facing a cost of £3000 or more to obtain insurance. That is a huge sum of money, and for many young people and many families, it is simple unaffordable.

We need the Government to investigate why this rapid and steep increase in insurance costs has happened, and to ensure that the market is not profiteering at the expense of young drivers. Indeed, there are questions to be asked as to why insurance for all drivers has seen average prices rise by around a third in one year.

We simply cannot stand idly by whilst young drivers are driven off the road, or even worse, that they gamble with driving without insurance. That poses huge risks to all road users. We need our young people to continue to be able to drive, to allow them to move freely whether that be for education, for employment and simply enjoyment. Obtainable car insurance is key to this.”

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