Wrightbus at forefront of hydrogen revolution - Paisley

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has welcomed the Government’s new Net Zero plan and said it will make Wrightbus in Ballymena the hub for Hydrogen in Northern Ireland. The strategy – called Powering Up Britain - includes £240 million for green hydrogen projects.

The DUP MP said,

“The announcement of the Powering up Britain strategy today will have a significant impact in Northern Ireland and in particular for Wrightbus and hydrogen production.

The massive strategy announces dozens of measures in the plan, which runs to 1,000 pages, covering energy efficiency in domestic properties to large infrastructure projects. It includes confirmation of £240m funding for green hydrogen projects.

For Northern Ireland this includes a multi-million pound investment in an electrolyser at Wrightbus making it the hub for hydrogen in Northern Ireland This announcement is more good news for the economy in Ballymena and Northern Ireland.

Wrightbus is at the forefront of the hydrogen revolution and today’s announcement is testament to its expertise in this field. It is testimony to the forward thinking of the company to make Ballymena the hub for hydrogen here and secures Northern Ireland’s role in green tech, engineering and energy production. It is imperative that the company and country builds on this significant foundation.”

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