US audience hears that NI’s delicate political balance must be restored

DUP United States spokesman David Brooks MLA is speaking to key influencers and stakeholders in Boston.

By David Brooks MLA

Belfast East

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Mr Brooks said,

“Whilst Sinn Fein tour Irish pubs and political offices in Boston, I have been telling the real story of Sinn Fein plans. They care little about Northern Ireland and unionists. Sinn Fein’s sole focus is on a border poll.

We have regular engagement with key influencers in the United States. We have sought to rebalance the narrative about unionists in the States and ensure Washington realises that unionists want fairness and what Sinn Féin’s real agenda is.

We want to see a return to the delicate political balance within Northern Ireland where the views of unionists are valued and respected. As Northern Ireland’s largest unionist party we have the ultimate responsibility of ensuring we get the right outcome that respects Northern Ireland’s place in the Union for the long-term.

Northern Ireland will struggle to move forward if Republicans have so little respect for their unionist neighbours that they can’t see the problem with the current Protocol arrangements. We would never have expected nor asked our nationalist neighbours to accept the kind of infrastructure north-south that we are being asked to accept east-west.”

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