UK must step up efforts on Libyan compensation - Campbell

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell responding to news that the Libyan Foreign Minister has said her country could work with the US on extraditing a man wanted over the Lockerbie bombing underscores the abject failure of the successive UK governments to ensure the Gaddafi regime and the Libyan state was made to pay for its crimes.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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The DUP MP said, "The success of the United States in not only securing compensation for the victims of Libyan sponsored terrorism but also now in making progress towards extradition stands in stark contrast to how victims in the United Kingdom have been treated.

This traces back to the Blair government and its abject failure to make any real effort to secure compensation from the Gaddafi regime. This impacts not just victims in Northern Ireland, but those who suffered at the hands of Libyan-supplied semtex in Birmingham, Canary Wharf and other parts of the UK.

More recently the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee where I am a member, considered this matter in depth. The response from the current government to this was appalling. It is time to right this wrong and time that steps were taken to ensure that compensation is secured for victims in the United Kingdom. The UK has sat back whilst other nations have continued to press the current Libyan government on these issues.

Every avenue should be actively pursued until a resolution is achieved, including flexibility from HMRC regarding UK-based profits on frozen Libyan assets."

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