UK-Irish cooperation essential to meet challenges: Campbell

DUP East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has said that strong and respectful cooperation between the UK and Republic of Ireland is essential in meeting geopolitical challenges.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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He was speaking after the UK-Ireland summit which was held in Cheshire.

Mr Campbell said,

“The summit between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic is recognition that we are near neighbours. It is in everyone’s interests that we work constructively together, not just for the people of Northern Ireland, but for stability across these islands.

The Prime Minister has demonstrated in recent weeks how influential the UK can be on the world stage in leading the argument for increased spending on European defence.

At a time when the Republic of Ireland increasingly relies on the UK and by extension NATO for its security, whether in the areas of cyber defence, maritime security, or broader intelligence sharing, this relationship has never been more important. Strong and respectful cooperation between the UK and RoI is essential in meeting geopolitical challenges.

We want to see both governments working closely together on matters of mutual concern.

There is a clear and ongoing need to address the legacy of the past. We continue to support the long-standing calls for the Republic of Ireland to hold a full inquiry into the Omagh bombing, ensuring that all aspects of this atrocity are fully investigated. Truth and justice are crucial for victims, and transparency on both sides of the border is essential to ensuring that.

Whilst the summit was between the UK and the Republic, we continue to campaign for the Government to ensure barriers within the UK internal market are removed. Northern Ireland should be able to trade freely with the rest of the United Kingdom.”

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