Sinn Fein fails to answer “who is picking up the tab?”

East Belfast MLA David Brooks has called on Sinn Fein to answer categorically if it will be making any contribution towards the costs of Gerry Kelly’s failed libel action against Malachi O'Doherty.

By David Brooks MLA

Belfast East

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Mr Brooks said,

“There are indications that the cost of Gerry Kelly’s ‘frivolous and vexatious’ libel action could run into more than one hundred thousand pounds. In this case, Sinn Fein must be categoric that if there is no party decision to take cases against journalists and opponents, then will the Party be contributing to Gerry Kelly’s legal costs?

The truth will emerge and it will become clear who is picking up the tab for Gerry Kelly’s case as he will have his own legal costs as well as those of Dr O’Doherty.”

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