Review of net zero measures a sensible approach

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has said the Government’s decision to review some of its ‘net zero’ targets is a sensible approach in light of the cost-of-living crisis.

The DUP MP said,

“Efforts to tackle climate change cannot ignore other pressures facing people across the United Kingdom. I see in my own constituency companies such as Wrightbus who are making massive strides towards reducing Carbon emissions. People support efforts to ensure we hit ‘net zero’, but they do not see those efforts as being a higher priority than feeding their family or heating their home.

There is nothing wrong with setting targets, but there is also nothing wrong with reviewing the approach in light of the circumstances we face. No decision occurs in isolation, but it will have a direct impact on households across the country. In Northern Ireland we still have a heaver reliance on road transport than other parts of the United Kingdom, and our home heating market continues to be heavily reliant on oil. Indeed, the 2035 target for car transition, brings the UK into line with other major European countries.

It is unfortunate that some will attempt to paint any kind of review as a complete abandonment of efforts to reduce Carbon emissions. There will need to be a continued pressure from Government to ensure that we stay on that path, but it will be impossible to reach those goals if people simply cannot afford to make the changes that will be needed. Any measures cannot work without bringing the public along, and they must ensure that costs are not borne by the most vulnerable in our society.”

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