Questions to answer over Farry appointment – Martin

North Down DUP MLA Peter Martin has said Ulster University and Stephen Farry must provide clarity as to the appointment process leading to his role in a new Strategic Policy Unit.

By Peter Martin MLA

North Down

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Peter Martin said,

“There are questions arising from this process which should be answered by Ulster University as well as by the candidates, hand-picked apparently for these positions.

Foremost of these is that the University states the candidates were appointed “following an initial review of a proposal for how Dr Farry and Dr Carson might contribute to a new Strategic Policy Unit.” It would be important to know exactly who made that initial proposal and at what stage were the two successful candidates were added to the so-called ‘Exceptional Talent Pool’. The university is a publicly funded body, and they should be transparent about the process used in this appointment. They should answer not just this question, but other valid questions posed by journalists.

There are questions too for Stephen Farry. In March 2022 the then Alliance education spokesperson said, “Fairness and equal opportunities are a key aim of Alliance”. Perhaps Stephen should clear up whether he only believed in equal opportunities whilst he was an elected representative but is now happy to have benefitted from a process which wasn’t open to any kind of competition or equal opportunity.

I have raised this issue with the Economy Minister and spoken to Equality Commission this morning. There is an urgent need for clarity on this matter.”

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