Pressure must be maintained to resolve issues on movement of plants: Campbell

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell says pressure must be maintained on Government to complete horticulture issues.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said,

“We have been liaising with the Government about the movement of plants and plant products from GB to NI. The introduction of the Northern Ireland Plant Health Label in October of last year has already streamlined many of the requirements for some of these movements.

Whilst prohibitions have been lifted for 12 types of plants, engagement continues between the UK and EU on a further 9 species, there needs to be further progress. A number of politicians have been aware of these problems, it is not a viable choice to complain about the outstanding problems rather than working for solutions to the problems. Politically motivated complaints will not help the horticultural sector, but continual pressure is much more likely to yield results.

We need to stay the course and work for sensible outcomes which work for the sector and their customers. Liaising with senior representatives of major GB based Companies who can supply customers here in Northern Ireland must be maintained as some of us have been doing, and hopefully will bring about the end goal demanded by everyone which is the freer movement of goods from GB to NI.

Walking away and giving up has never been in my psyche, people prefer determination to make Northern Ireland work for the people who make this place their home. Progress has been made and there is more to do."

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