Poots: Authorities must step up and protect Holylands residents during St Patrick's Day

South Belfast MLA Edwin Poots MLA has called for respect to be shown to residents of the Holylands this St Patrick’s Day.

By Edwin Poots MLA

Belfast South

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Mr Poots said authorities and agencies needed to step up to the mark to protect residents.

“I fully appreciate that St Patrick’s Day is a major cultural and social event for our student population, but it is also a major source of worry and concern for many Holylands residents.

Year after year, they have felt abandoned by authorities and agencies, as their residential area is subjected to an influx of students from across Northern Ireland.

We want people to be able to enjoy their day, but this cannot be at the expense of residents, who have suffered this chaos, disorder and antisocial behaviour for far too long.

My message is simple, people should not be coming to the Holylands this St Patrick’s Day. Our Universities, the PSNI, Belfast City Council and the Department for the Communities need to ensure they take all necessary steps to protect residents and ensure that St Patrick’s Day is celebrated in an appropriate manner.”

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