PM must bring forward Protocol solution that can unite the people of NI

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has said the Prime Minister has a responsibility to bring forward a solution to the Protocol that can unite the people of Northern Ireland.

Speaking after raising the issue at Prime Ministers Questions, the DUP MP said,

"In a divided society, a solution that attracts support from only one section of the community cannot stand. Political progress in Northern Ireland has only been possible when we have been able to move forward together.

One of the most disturbing characteristics of recent times has been the total disregard of fairness and moving forward together by those who have been the most vocal Protocol cheerleaders. Most recently we have heard the Irish Ambassador to the United States demanding further implementation of the Protocol and the further checks this would impose upon the people of Northern Ireland.

I am glad the Prime Minister recognises the responsibility to bring forward a solution that can unite the people of Northern Ireland. The Government made a clear commitment to restore Northern Ireland's place within the UK internal market. That commitment was part of the agreement which restored devolution in Northern Ireland yet it has not been delivered upon.

If we are to repair our politics then there is a need to restore fairness. The Protocol is holding us back from that task. The Prime Minister's words today are welcome, but the need for action remains."

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