Parades Commission Rewarding Intransigence – Lockhart

DUP Upper Bank MP Carla Lockhart has responded to the decision of the Parades Commission to refuse permission to Portadown District LOL 1 to return from worship via Garvaghy Road this Sunday.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Carla Lockhart MP said:

"Once again we see that the Parades Commission rewards intransigence.

For many years now, Portadown District has been open to a process of engagement to find a compromise solution to this long-running dispute. Yet such dialogue has been rejected by those purporting to represent local residents, and today we see that this obstinacy has been rewarded by the Parades Commission.

Dialogue and mutual respect are essential if we are to find solutions to issues such as Drumcree. This proposal by Portadown District was a genuine attempt at minimising the disruption to the daily lives of local residents and ending this dispute.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from today's determination by the Parades Commission is that neither the Commission nor the local community on Garvaghy Road have any intention of finding a solution. That can only result in a worsening of community relations and ongoing division in our community. Such an outcome is deeply regrettable.

Working alongside the District Officers, I will continue to engage with the PSNI, Secretary of State and Parades Commission to seek to find a resolution in the future that respects the rights of all.”

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