Paisley welcomes NW200 and UGP announcements

North Antrim MP and Independent Chair of the Motorsport Taskforce, Ian Paisley has welcomed announcements by the Coleraine and district motorcycle club and the Revival Racing Club that the North West 200 and Ulster Grand Prix will take place this year.

Mr Paisley said, "As one of the persons intimately involved in the negotiations and planning to bring back motorsport events this year I am absolutely delighted at the prospect of these fantastic race events taking place.

In 2021 the Armoy road race reminded the public just how important race events are for local areas and local economies.

However, the North West 200 and the Ulster Grand Prix are international events that operate at a massive scale and make a significant contribution to the Northern Ireland economy. Part of my energy over the past years in my capacity in leading motorsport Taskforce has been to refocus public energy and support at building and sustaining these important events. The fact they are returning this year will be greatly welcomed by race supporters and the wider public.

I wish the organisers well and congratulate all involved in getting us to this point and look forward to seeing a very successful series of race events this year."

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