Paisley welcomes announcement on Rathlin ferry operator

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has welcomed the announcement that a new operator has been found for the Rathlin Island ferry service.

Commenting, the local MP said,

“This news will offer some relief for Rathlin residents that services are due to recommence from 13th January. It is obviously important however that the full service, including vehicle transport can return as quickly as possible and I would hope the Department will work with urgency to see that happen.

Issues around this vital route over recent days and weeks have only served to underline its importance and the Department must now ensure that residents and all those who travel to Rathlin can have some certainty for the longer term.

I will continue to work with all the relevant agencies until the service is fully in place and the people of Rathlin can have certainty about this absolutely vital transport link.”

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