Paisley pays tribute as R&A Chief Executive to step down

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has paid tribute to Martin Slumbers, who steps down as R&A Chief Executive at the end of this year.

Mr Paisley is Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Golf and the Party’s Culture Spokesperson at Westminster.

He said, “Martin Slumbers has only been Chief Executive of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club since 2015, but he has made huge changes during that time and leaves an impressive legacy. He opened up the game to younger people and brought women’s golf onto a par with the men’s game.

He is undoubtedly a name that many people outside of golfing circles will not be familiar with, but the actions he took as Chief Executive have had an impact well beyond the game itself. From a local perspective, he has put Northern Ireland firmly on the Open Championship circuit, not just impacting golf but assisting with our tourism offer.

I would like to wish Martin all the best for the future in whatever direction he decides to take.”

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