Paisley calls for better protection for retailers and shop workers

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has said retailers and those who work in shops deserve greater protection against attacks and theft.

Speaking after raising the issue at Prime Ministers Questions the DUP MP said, “Attacks on staff and theft of items impacts all retailers, but it is particularly devastating for smaller independent shops. It is a sad indictment of the response that is expected when 80% of retailers don’t even report physical attacks on staff.

The cost of theft from retail stores is significant, with 12 additional items sold to make up for each one lost to theft. These are not victimless crimes, with jobs and livelihoods put at risk.

The British Independent Retail Association is working alongside others to demand action to ensure retailers are protected, that theft against them is called out and they are supported in every way possible. I am glad the Prime Minister offered his support to these efforts today and I will continue to highlight the issues they face.”

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