Paisley backs cross-party call on ‘tourist tax’

DUP MP Ian Paisley has joined over 40 parliamentarians to call on the Prime Minister to introduce a comprehensive recovery package for aviation, travel and tourism following the threats posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The North Antrim MP is supporting the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Future of Aviation’s call con the Government to re-introduce VAT-free shopping for international visitors and to implement arrivals duty-free shopping. The group says that the failure to bring in these measures is holding back our economy and boosting inbound tourism to other nations.

Ian Paisley MP said;

“I urge the Prime Minister to listen to the industry and introduce these simple measures to boost the UK economy and to reinforce the UK as the best place to visit in the world. Our aviation, travel and tourism industries were amongst the hardest hit by the pandemic and now, instead of working to boost these industries, the Government is introducing barriers to high spending tourists and actively boosting the economies of other nations.

The Government’s refusal to introduce duty-free goods at arrivals halls and VAT-free shopping is holding back our economy and ultimately affecting our global competitiveness. These businesses are vital not only to our local economy, but to the overall economy and the Government's refusal to introduce these measures is hurting wider businesses and the manufacturing sectors throughout the UK.”

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