Paisley addresses US-UK bilateral meeting

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley attended the US-UK bilateral meeting on Tuesday in Westminster Hall for the Transatlantic Capital to Capital Exchange where 26 members of Congress including the House Majority Leader The Hon. Steve Scalise all spoke. Mr Paisley was the Northern Ireland representative in attendance and made a keynote speech on Northern Ireland and its part in the special relationship with the USA.

Mr Paisley's remarks reflected upon the significant level of trade that already exists between NI and the USA, that only through our relationship as part of the Union can this be strengthened and expanded.

Speaking afterwards Mr Paisley said,

"Our relationship with the United States is hugely important for Northern Ireland. We value the university exchange programme where we share learning and expertise between US and UK students. Half of all foreign direct investment in Northern Ireland is from US-based companies and we see this growing through the re-investment from the 200 US companies already invested here.

The United States is a hugely important export market, and with an estimated 330,000 North American tourists visiting Ulster each year, all of this augurs well for the future.”

Contrary to the propaganda from Irish republicans, Americans understand the concept of "no taxation without representation" and understand objections to barriers to trade and other areas being imposed which impact Northern Ireland without any democratic accountability.

They understand too that Northern Ireland's economic success is built upon the reality of being part of the fifth largest economy in the world that already has an established trade relationship with the USA and accept that the promoters of a united Ireland are engaged in fantasy politics.

The special relationship with the USA embraces all parts of the United Kingdom, especially Northern Ireland!”

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